Daily Archives: April 16, 2020

Are you looking for a ray of hope in these crazy times?

Have you asked this question the last week? On Monday, I heard our city was extended the limited lockdown order until the end of April. While I half expected the decision, I was sad. Do you find yourself looking for a ray of hope?

Are you looking for a ray of hope in these crazy times?

This past weekend, we celebrated Easter without our granddaughters.

How was your Easter celebration? I would love to hear from you.

Anyway, I was thinking some of the stories from the Bible. One in particular that comes to mind is the story of Joseph. Joseph went through so much in his life such as being sold into slavery by his brothers and later imprisoned. God loved Joseph and never left him through every trial. Joseph’s story shows us how to have the right attitude through difficulty and misfortune.

Genesis 39:21, “the Lord was with him…”

Focusing on God in the before and the after will help us come out of this time of trouble.

Here is the hope you are looking for!

We may be in the middle of a pandemic, but God has never left us. He is right there beside us just like He was with Joseph.

We don’t have to wonder, God is here and He is for us!